Artwork by Nancy Orr, 2020

Artwork by Nancy Orr, 2020


Board of Directors:

Mary Palazzolo, President, is a retired Dental Hygienist, and loves country living.

Tom Reed, Treasurer, is enjoying retirement in the Spruceton Valley, and all the local community and the Catskill Mountains have to offer.

Devon Russ, Secretary, loves gardening on the Mountain Top.

Nancy Orr, lives happily with her husband, Dan, and charming dog Bosco in West Kill, after a full career as a scenic artist and painter.

Francine Melodia, retired from NYCDEP, and former Lexington Town Clerk. Moved to West Kill in 1986 and is enjoying life on Tumbleweed Ranch.

Nancy Dippold is a life long resident of West Kill and tireless volunteer for community projects.

Glenda Lauten lives in Lexington and works at Van Dusen's store. She is involved with theater groups in the TriState area in the summer, both backstage and on stage. She is also a member of the Greene Room Players Songbirds, a local women's singing group.